Mercedes’ Message is Like No Other
Beginning with a mesmerizing multimedia introduction, Mercedes holds audiences’ attention as she carries them through the final seconds of Flight 965, the long cold hours awaiting rescue and the moment she learned of her parents’ death from reporters on live television. But Mercedes’ message is much more than just another moving account of physical struggles, heartbreak and triumph. Her uplifting, often humorous story proves that each of us has the power to alter the course of our lives through the intentional choices we make.
Mercedes’ message gave me new insights and showed me ways to overcome obstacles in my career and personal life. It even motivated me to get out in the field and make some sales!
– Sheila Shadfar, Concentra, Inc.
Popular topics (tailored to each client’s specific values, needs and objectives) include:
“What will you do with your second chance today?” is the question Mercedes poses to general audiences in this transformational program. Her gripping story moves participants to put their lives in perspective and carefully consider how the choices they make profoundly affect their future. Participants will walk away with increased confidence, knowing that no matter what challenges they may face, they have the fortitude and ability to take ownership of their lives and find the fulfillment they desire. Full program description |
Do your employees and leaders too often operate in Survival Mode, putting out fires and putting off until tomorrow what should be done today? This program powerfully dispels the notion that there will always be a tomorrow in which we can finish today’s unfinished business and moves individuals to work and live with intentionality. Participants will leave fully engaged and ready to confront difficult situations, tackle complex issues, serve customers with respect and urgency, and perform their jobs with renewed passion. Full program description |
Can too much experience be a bad thing? Absolutely…if it leads to complacency. The highly experienced pilots of Flight 965 were lulled into a false sense of security that led to the deaths of 160 people. Mercedes’ one-of-a-kind safety presentation uses the factual account of the crash of Flight 965 as an anchor to drive home the dangers of complacency and the importance of situational awareness. Participants will clearly understand the difference between knowing about safety and putting safety into action. Full program description |
Building a genuinely inclusive culture in our workplaces, communities and schools is imperative for shared success and establishing common values. In the past few years, the spotlight on diversity, inclusion and equity programs have been shining brightly. Is your organization checking off the “diversity” boxes and operating within the status quo? Or has the spotlight of D&I initiatives transformed into authentic organizational values? Do leaders truly value the impact of a fully inclusive environment or do they still view D&I through an antiquated lens? Full program description |
To find out how Mercedes can make your next meeting or convention an experience, not just an event, contact us.